The ITAD ECO Plus solution provides a fully certified, one-stop-turnkey service that can manage every aspect of removing and processing decommissioned IT assets. Our ITAD business has decades of experience in decommissioning, removing, reselling or recycling retired IT infrastructure. Our clients range from Government Agencies, to Data, Call & Admin Centers. Our ITAD team can disassemble and remove office computers and networks and any scale of data center hardware (e.g.: servers, storage systems and IT network infrastructure). 

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The Decommissioning & Removal of IT Hardware

We have developed a program that provides our clients with environmentally responsible methods for the legal disposal or resell of their retired IT assets. We call this program the ITAD ECO Plus service and it includes everything from decommissioning, data destruction and removal to recycling or reselling. Our typical clients are data centers and large offices. Many of our clients have zero-landfill & carbon net neutral policies that we help to maintain. If your data center or offices are planning to retire a section of IT infrastructure our ITAD ECO Plus solution could well be the perfect fit. We can provide any or all of the following ten ITAD services:

Our ITAD company delivers a fast, affordable and well-organized IT asset disposition (ITAD) service.

Making A Difference

You have the power to make a difference, change the way things are done and create a better, greener future.

On-site IT Infrastructural Audit

Our IT hardware decommissioning and removal service starts with a visit to the clients’ location to perform an on-site audit. The purpose of the audit is primarily to assess the requirements of the client and to develop an efficient plan of action. We start by preforming an inventory audit, using the clients list to identify all the IT assets they want decommissioned. In addition to this inspection, the physical and practical considerations of the project are also recorded. For example, aspects relating to security clearance, disassembly space, data destruction, packaging and logistics are all taken into account. This on-site auditing process ultimately helps our ITAD company to accurately estimate the resources needed and time required to complete the project.

If your data center, call center, customer support center, admin center or office needs to simply have its decommissioned IT hardware, desktop computers, servers & laptops removed for disposal then please email: with your details and we will call you back. Or CLICK HERE for a quick price guide.

Physically Decommissioning IT Hardware.

Our highly experienced ITAD team will arrive on-site at a pre-agreed time and commence with disconnecting, de-installing and removing the retired IT inventory. The uninstalling and disassembling of server racks, rail kits, power cords, cabinets, servers, SANs, network hardware, firewalls, routers and reels of cables is performed in the most unintrusive way possible. Our ITAD service aims to cause as little disruption as possible to the day-to-day operations of your business. However, the dangers of physically decommissioning and removing IT equipment from data centers and offices can be severe. To help ensure safety, there may be a requirement to temporarily cut electrical power to certain areas within the area being decommissioned.

If you would like to schedule a call back to discuss the decommissioning and removal of data center or office computer systems, please send an email to: CLICK HERE Alternatively, for an IT hardware removal, recycling and resell quote or call enquiries on: 877-592-6009 (EST).

Packing Decommissioned IT Hardware

As decommissioned IT hardware is removed, packed and palleted our ITAD team will label and scan each individual item. This labelling and scanning process identifies and reconciles the IT asset against the original inventory list. The process ensures all the decommissioned IT hardware, servers, computers, hard drives, etc. are accounted for, and easy to locate. Data center administrators and office IT managers are required to confirm the inventory list is fully reconciled prior to the decommissioned IT assets being removed from the clients’ location.

Today’s changing gas prices have resulted in ever increasing transportation costs. However, with good inventory management that focusses on optimized packing, a cost saving can be enjoyed. If your data center or offices need help with decommissioning, removing, reselling and recycling IT hardware, desktops, laptops, servers and networking equipment please email our ITAD support team and they will call you directly: Alternatively, for an IT hardware removal, recycling and resell quote CLICK HERE or call: 877-592-6009 (EST).

Hard Drive Digital Data Destruction.

Most data center managers and office IT executives will know exactly what type of information is stored on their data arrays, servers, computers, laptops and hard drives. Armed with this knowledge, an IT manager will make a decision about what type of digital data destruction (if any) is needed when decommissioning their computer hardware. Typically, hard drives used to store or process highly sensitive data are shredded using NAID certified shredders that obliterate the hard drives into tiny flakes. If the decommissioned hard drives contain extremely sensitive data, then most IT managers will ask our ITAD company to provide on-site hard drive shredding. This ensures the hard drives are utterly destroyed before leaving the clients data center or office building. Usually, non-data-sensitive office computers, business laptop and application server hard drives are removed and permanently data wiped at the ITAD ECO Plus data destruction facility.

If you are interested in using the ITAD ECO Plus IT decommissioning and removal service and would like our latest hard drive shredding and data wiping prices please email: alternatively, for an online automated quote CLICK HERE.

IT Hardware Removal.

The ITAD ECO Plus solution provides a nationwide pickup service for organizations decommissioning or disposing of their IT equipment and computers. Our ITAD company will pick up your technology directly from your dock in secure transport cages if requested. The ITAD cages can be securely rolled from floor to floor, providing a fast, tamperproof method of moving IT equipment from its collection point to your dock bay or a pick-up point. Once each removal truck is full, it will be locked and driven straight to our closest ITAD facility for unpacking and processing. Each and every item will be securely removed, reconciled against the master inventory list. At the end of the unpacking process, the inventory records will be double checked to make sure all the decommissioned IT assets are accounted for. All equipment awaiting data destruction is then moved to the secure digital data destruction labs in the ITAD facility.

If you have retired desktop computers, laptops, servers and commercially used IT hardware you need removing please call our ITAD removals team on 877-592-6009 or email for a price guide:

Equipment Testing.

Shortly after the equipment has arrived and been unpacked our ITAD engineers will begin testing. Their job is to assess the operational state of decommissioned IT assets (e.g.: servers, laptops, desktop computers and network equipment). If a device holds a good resell value but is damaged our ITAD team will make the decision to either harvest the RAM, CPU, motherboard and parts or alternatively, invest into repairing. If our team tests a computer and finds it’s damaged beyond repair or holds a non-tangible resell value then they will schedule it for recycling. As each device is tested, a record of its fate (e.g.: harvested or recycled) is added to the inventory list. This level of documentation helps to validate the proof of custody and proof of disposal. Our ITAD company prides itself on operating to the highest professional standards.

If you are interested in using the ITAD ECO Plus service and would like our latest prices please email: alternatively, for an online automated quote CLICK HERE.

Parts Harvesting.

A device judged as suitable for harvesting by our ITAD engineers will be sent to a secure disassembly station. Each station employs a highly experienced technician. These technicians are capable of stripping down a PC, laptop or server with ease. Although removing the RAM, CPU, GPU and other parts can be manually time consuming, the cost can be counterbalanced providing the parts are resold. However, until that day comes, they are safely stored in caches of identical parts. Not all harvested parts are sold as individual components. Some parts find a second lease of life in computers reconditioned by our ITAD engineers. In fact, many a laptop, desktop and server has been brought back to life and even upgraded using our cache of harvested parts. Using harvested components to improve refurbished IT assets can often be more profitable than simply selling the parts individually, especially when you consider the cost in time and money to ship them.

If you are looking at ITAD companies for help with decommissioning computer networks and infrastructure please email: alternatively, for an online automated quote CLICK HERE, or call our head office: 877-592-6009 (EST).

Refurbishment & Resell.

After testing, the first stage of refurbishment starts very simply with a vigorous clean. This cleaning process is to remove any grime, grit and labels that might hold information about our client (e.g.: property of, or a departments name). Once clean the device is data sanitized for a second time. This might mean adding a new hard drive or preforming a secondary data wipe. Once a drive is clean, we reinstall the operating system and double check the RAM, CPU, GPU and other hardware. We will replace any faulty parts and might also upgrade components if it will significantly increase the lifespan of the computer. Our aim is to protect the environment from computer ewaste, CO2 emissions, refinery pollution and ecological damage resulting from mining. Keeping a computer in use for as long as possible is one of the best ways to achieve environmental protection. A reconditioned IT device, especially desktops, laptops and servers can continue to be of use for many more years. Reselling used computers is one of the most effective forms of short-term recycling. Simply put, buying repurposed computers reduces the need for buying newly manufactured computers. This lowers the demand for manufacturing and in turn reduces CO2 emissions and damage from mining and materials refining.

If you need IT hardware removing or need help decommissioning IT equipment Email:

Recycling IT Hardware.

If during the testing process a computer device is found to be damaged beyond repair or obsolete it will be recycled. The first stage of computer recycling starts with the process of de-manufacturing and materials separation. This process involves manually striping down a computer to sperate it’s materials. Although de-manufacturing is manually time consuming, it is currently a more effective means of materials separation than simply shredding a computer. In fact, de-manufacturing helps to ensure most of the plastics, metals and alloys used in a computer are recovered. Some recycling processes are so effective that within just six weeks of a computer being scrapped it can be back on the shelf as a brand-new product.

If you are interested in using the ITAD ECO Plus solution to pick up and recycle your decommissioned laptops, desktops, servers and IT hardware email: alternatively, for an online automated recycling quote CLICK HERE. Our ITAD company is an American owned computer recycling business. Like many computer recyclers we are R2v3 & ISO certified. We are also fully permitted and EPA compliant.

Reporting & Certification.

Once all your IT assets have either been removed, resold or recycled our ITAD team can produce a series of final reports. Reporting proves the chain of custody and that your retired IT assets have been disposed of legally. In addition to validating the legal disposal of your computers and IT hardware our ITAD team can also provide reports to offset your CO2 emissions policy and if you have it, help validate your zero-landfill policy. Reporting is available in varying degrees of complexity; obviously highly complex reports are more expensive to create and need to be specified prior to the decommissioning process. Externally robust reporting may include serial numbers and weight, video proof of hard drive shredding and data destruction certification. If you have chosen a revenue share option (with regards to reselling IT hardware) then reports may also include the sales values, shipment costs and processing fees. However, a typically standard report, provides proof of disposal and data destruction, plus the transfer of custody or ownership to our ITAD company. Standard reports also come with all the various receipts for services (e.g.: IT hardware removal, data wipes, etc).

To find out how much it would cost to have your IT hardware removed, resold or recycled please use the automated form below (it only takes a few seconds):


Our ITAD company removes, recycles or buys servers, network switches, desktops, laptops & much more.

Hard Drive Digital Data Destruction

Data Destruction

Data Wipe
recycle hard drives and computer storage

Hard Drives

decommissioned data center rack servers servers

Rack Servers

tower server decommissioning disposal and recycling service

Tower Servers

IT network hardware disposal

Network Hardware

sell or recycle company laptops

Company Laptops

office desktop disposal

Desktop Computers

office PC workstations recycling company

PC Workstations

How to decommission business and data center IT hardware.

IT Hardware

ITAD disposal for business iPads and Computer Tabs.

iPad / Tablet PC

Cell and smartphone disposal service - recycle business Andriod and Apple smartphones today.

Company Smartphone

ITAD businesses and computer recycling companies buying or recycling decommissioned server racks and data center equipment.

Server Racks

Buy, sell or recycle used secondhand RAM

Computer Memory (RAM)

ITAD businesses and computer recyclers buying or recycling CPUs


Graphics card disposal - recycling and selling used GPUs

Graphics Cards

recycling Computer Monitors

Computer Monitors


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recycle or sell office and data center decommissioned computer equipment.

The ITAD ECOPlus Solution


Decommissioning data center hardware and equipment

Computer, Server & IT Network Disassembly & Removal

If required, our ITAD network and computer removal engineers will help with the disassembly of your office computer network or your data center IT equipment. During this process each item of retired IT hardware is recorded in our inventory tracking system before being packed and then transported from your location to our secure ITAD facility.

Decommissioning data center hardware and equipment

Digital Data Destruction
Best-In-Class Data Erasure

We help you to assess the level of data destruction required to protect data stored on magnetic drives (HDD), solid state drives (SSD), tapes, DVDs, CDs, storage arrays, desktops, laptops, computer tablets and other mobile devices. Whether a hard drive is working or not we usually recommend either a memory wipe, disk degauss, drive crush or shred.

Decommissioning data center hardware and equipment

Removal & Recycling Of Office Computers & IT Hardware

If your business has a number of retired computers, laptops, servers, mobile devices (iPads & PC tablets), company smartphones and network hardware that you need collected and recycled our ITAD company can help you. We provide a nationwide IT asset disposition service that can pick up old computer hardware from any office location in the USA.

Decommissioning data center hardware and equipment

Eco-Friendly Certified Computer & IT Hardware Recycling

Eco-friendly computer hardware disposal and recycling provides benefits in both reducing toxic pollution caused by e-waste dumping and in reducing carbon emissions from computer hardware manufacturing. When you choose our ITAD company to manage the decommissioning of your computer and IT equipment you are making a very real difference.

Decommissioning data center hardware and equipment

Certified Data Center IT Asset Disposition Service

Our ITAD company offers a fully certified IT asset disposition service that is geared especially towards helping data centers recover value from retired servers, network hardware, data center equipment and infrastructure. In addition, our ITAD recycling and data destruction solutions are R2 V3, ISO, NAID, HIPPA compliant and fully insured.

Professional project management for decommissioning data center hardware and office computer equipment

Professional Project Management

Our ITAD team of professionals can help with the management of everything from the decommissioning, data destruction and removal phase to the refurbishment, remarketing, reselling or recycling stage. The ITAD ECO Plus solution also ensures all your legal e-waste and data destruction requirements are fully managed and reported.

Who buys decommissioning data center and office computer hardware and IT equipment

IT Asset Valuation, Remarketing, Reselling & Buyouts

Our ITAD team will help you value, remarket and sell your decommissioned IT assets. Alternatively, we can buy your used computer equipment providing it still holds a market value, then sanitize its data, clean, refurbish and reset to factory default settings for resale either in its entirety or as parts (e.g. motherboard, RAM, graphics and network cards).

ITAD reporting

IT Asset Management Reports & Invoicing

Our ITAD service can provide item by item reporting for all your computer and IT hardware that has been resold, redeployed or recycled by us. ITAD reports prove chain of custody, data destruction and confirm receipt, count and the condition of your retired servers, office PCs, IT hardware, network equipment, laptops and all other mobile devices.

Making A Difference

You have the power to make a difference. Our ITAD company is on a mission to go green! We invite you to help us?

What IT hardware do you want to decommission?

The ITAD ECO Plus  solution provides responsible, legal & ethical IT decommissioning, removal, reselling & recycling.

Decommissioned Server Rack Disposal

Decommission & Remove Server Racks

The ITAD ECO Plus solution is designed to help both data centers and large-scale offices to decommission their retied IT infrastructure. The aim is to provide an increasingly modern method of eco-friendly IT asset disposition and disposal. The service starts with proving a decommissioning and removal service and concludes with either recycling or refurbishing and reselling for continued usage. We can help with decommissioning server racks, cabling & network equipment?

Latest Prices decommission data center and office tech
decommissioned rack servers removal recycling and disposal service

Decommission & Remove Servers

If you are planning to upgrade your data center or office server equipment the ITAD ECO Plus solution can help. This highly focused, IT asset disposition solution aims to provide services that focus on sustainability, CO2 reductions and environmentally responsible disposal. In terms of decommissioning servers, ITAD ECO Plus provides: decommissioning, removal, data destruction, IT asset refurbishment for resell and server recycling.

Latest Prices decommission data center and office tech
decommissioned IT network hardware removal recycling and disposal service

Decommission & Remove Network Hardware

Our IT asset disposition (ITAD) services include the decommissioning of IT network equipment, such as: hubs, switches, routers, bridges, gateways, modems, repeaters, access points, servers, data storage and backup systems. If you are refreshing your data center tech or office computer networks our IT company can support you throughout the process. We provide dismantlement, HDD destruction, removal, recycling or selling.

Latest Prices decommission data center and office tech
decommissioned data center storage drive removal recycling and data destruction service

Decommission & Remove Data Storage Systems

Are you planning to decommission data storage systems? Our ITAD service provides removal & data destruction for: all-flash and hybrid storage systems, data protection and archive storage, file storage, storage networking and storage enclosures. We work mainly with enterprise data centers, managed services data centers, colocation data centers, cloud data centers, hyperscale data centers and large-scale office IT infrastructures and server-rooms.

Latest Prices decommission data center and office tech
decommissioned office computer removal recycling and disposal service

Decommission & Remove Desktop Computers

Is your organization about to retire its used office desktop computers and workstation PCs? Our ITAD company helps businesses, industries, government departments and the military to dispose of their decommissioned IT hardware and computers. Our ITAD services include decommissioning, removal, data destruction, recycling and reselling for extended usage.

Latest Prices decommission data center and office tech
removal recycling and disposal service for workplace computers and company laptops

Decommission & Remove Company Laptops

The ITAD ECO Plus solution provides, removal, data destruction, recycling or refurbishment for resell options for all decommissioned company laptops. We manly process the following: Dell laptops, Apple MacBooks, Acer laptops, the Lenovo ThinkPad, HP Envy, all Microsoft laptops including the Studio and the Sony VAIO. If your company is planning on upgrading its laptop computers we can help with the decommissioning.

Latest Prices decommission data center and office tech
decommissioned pc tablets and iPads

Decommission & Remove Android Pads & iPads

Our IT asset disposition (ITAD) company is on a mission to make the IT industry more sustainable and less polluting. We predominantly focus on recycling Windows, Chrome and Mac Tablet computers but we can also refurbish old PC Pads for reuse or resell. If you are upgrading, we can help you decommission your old company iPads & Androids. Our services include: a nationwide pick up, Tablet memory wiping & recycling

Latest Prices decommission data center and office tech
recycle or resell used business smartphones

Decommission & Remove Company Smartphones

We provide a smartphone decommissioning service capable of wiping a smartphones memory. We also offer a fully certified reconditioning or recycling service. For more information about decommissioning company smartphones please click the below button:

Latest Prices decommission data center and office tech

Our Clients Include:

For Sales Call 877-592-6009 or Email

The ITAD ECOPlus Solution


Recycles and sell decommissioned server rack - IT disposal services.

Sell Used Server Racks

Our ITAD business buys used servers and disposes / recycles old server racks and rack hardware? Sell & recycle server racks and rack equipment. MORE INFO.

Recycle and sell used rack servers - places that buy rack servers.

Sell Used Rack Servers

Recycle or sell used Dell servers (e.g.: EMC & PowerEdge), HPE servers (e.g.: Proliant & Blade rack servers), IBM, Inspur, Lenovo & Cisco rack servers. MORE INFO.

Sell decommissioned office server removal recycling and IT disposal service.

Sell Used Tower Servers

We are a eco-friendly disposal business that removes and recycles used office servers? Find out how much a used HPE & DELL server is worth? MORE INFO.

decommissioned IT network hardware removal recycling and disposal service

Sell Used Network Equipment

Recycle or sell used routers, network cards, hubs, bridges, switches, modems and network hardware made by Cisco, HPE Aruba, Juniper, etc. MORE INFO.

Sell retired decommissioned used data center storage drives and arrays.

Sells Used Drive Arrays

Recycle or sell for reuse used storage and disk arrays. Our ITAD company ensures all data is permanently wipe and erase forever before selling used data storage systems. MORE INFO.

Recycle or sell used office computers.

Sell Used Desktops

Sell your company CPUs and business desktop computers. Our ITAD service removes, recycles and will buy used business pcs and office computer equipment. MORE INFO.

We provide a place to either recycle or sell used office pcs.

Sell Used Office PCs

Are you wondering who buys, recycles or where to sell old office PC’s? Our ITAD team are experts in valuing and buying old business computers and office networks. MORE INFO.

Our ITAD company will purchase decommissioned office pcs and network equipment.

Sell Used Business Computers

Our ITAD service removes and recycles business PC hardware and office computer networks? We also help decommission and will purchase business computers such as all-in-one pcs. MORE INFO.

Removal recycling and disposal service for company laptops.

Sell Used Company Laptops

Is your organization aiming to sell its retired corporate laptops or do you want their hard drives removed, destroyed and the laptops properly recycled? We recycle and buy laptops. MORE INFO.

Selling used business pc tablets and iPads

Sell Company Computer Pads

Are you searching for a place or someone who can securely dispose of, recycle or even sell retired mobile devices such as company iPads and work tablet computers? MORE INFO.

Recycle or resell used business smartphones and cell phones.

Sell Old Smartphones

Does your business have boxes of used company smartphones / cellphones that you want to sell or recycle? Our ITAD company recycles and buys most business phones? MORE INFO.

Shred and wipe drives near you.

Shred or Wipe Drives

Our ITAD service will wipe, degauss & shred old storage drives. We offer a certified digital destruction service for computer, server and storage array hard drives. MORE INFO.

Remove and buy old office IT network hardware, servers and computer equipment.

Sell Old Office IT Hardware

Are you searching for a reliable computer hardware recycler or ITAD business to remove, recycle or purchase used office computers and IT equipment securely? MORE INFO.

Who buys used and new RAM?

Sell PC & Server RAM

Our ITAD company buys computer RAM. We purchase second-hand, used and new RAM for computers, laptops and servers. Sell your RAM today. MORE INFO.

ITAD disposal service buying used CPUs

Sell Used CPUs

Sell your used CPUs today. Our ITAD company is a purchaser and recycler of professionally used CPUs. We buy and collect most types of CPU’s. MORE INFO.

recycle computer graphic cards

Sell Used GPUs

The ITAD Eco Plus program can help your business to dispose of its IT junk such as graphics cards (GPUs). We uy and recycle GPUs and GPU servers. MORE INFO.

IT Decommissioning Business

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