ITAD – Remove - Recycle - Resell

Need help decommissioning your IT infrastructure? Need hard drives wiped or destroyed, computer equipment removed and recycled? Are you aiming to sell used servers, desktops, laptops, computer tablets and smartphones?

Try the ITAD ECO Plus service.

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FAQ Answers

ITAD for Accounting Firms

How to dispose of accountancy firm computers & IT Hardware?

Accountancy businesses looking to decommission, dispose, recycle or resell their used IT hardware should comply with both e-waste and data privacy laws.  IT assets used in the day-to-day operations of an accounting practice (e.g. an accountants smartphone, Android Tablet, iPad, laptop, desktop workstation computer and the data storage servers) may well require professional memory erasure or data destruction and e-waste certified recycling.  Many accounting firms hire an ITAD company to manage the legal disposal or reselling of their used computers & IT hardware.

The ITAD ECO Plus initiative provides accounting partnerships, companies and firms with fully accredited:

  1. Removal of used computers & IT
  2. Accountancy IT Equip recycling
  3. Wipe & destroy HDD SSD memory
  4. Computer refurbishing & resell

ITAD for Aviation & Aerospace

Does the aviation & aerospace industry need to recycle their computer hardware?

The aviation and aerospace sectors are extremely intensive users of IT hardware.  In commercial aviation IT hardware such as desktop terminals, data and application servers are heavily used for managing flight bookings.  Whilst in the aerospace industry everything from powerful desktops, laptops and servers are used in operations, design and testing.  At some point all aviation & aerospace computer hardware and servers will need to be decommissioned and either recycled or possibly (if in good condition & still with a market value) resold.

The ITAD ECO Plus initiative provides aviation & aerospace companies with fully certified:

  1. Nationwide IT hardware removal
  2. Server computer & IT recycling
  3. Data storage drive destruction
  4. Remarketing of used IT assets

ITAD for Banking & Finance

Who disposes & recycles the computer systems used in banking & finance?

Most banks and finance companies use IT asset disposition businesses (ITAD companies) to manage the disposal and recycling of their computer systems.  Banks and financial businesses hold incredibly sensitive data that is subject to PII data protection disposal laws as well as the EPA enforced IT hardware and computer disposal regulations.  An ITAD company will manage the disposal, recycling, data destruction and if requested resell of a banks or finance companies Android or Apple mobile devices, laptops, desktop computers, servers and data storage systems.
The ITAD ECO Plus initiative was created to help banking and financial businesses with the following:

  1. Certified IT decommissioning
  2. Bank & financial IT recycling
  3. Financial data destruction
  4. Remarketing used IT assets

ITAD for Customer Call Centers

Where to recycle call center, contact center & tech support computer hardware?

Call center, contact center, customer support and tech support IT hardware is usually decommissioned and recycled by a certified ITAD provider.  However, the ITAD ECO Plus initiative helps call centers (and other such IT intensive businesses) to go that one step further by decommissioning their IT infrastructure in a sustainable, environmentally friendly and data secure manner.  Call center and technical support centers usually hire an ITAD company to help them ensure legal compliance as most telecommunication centers are subject to computer disposal laws governing PII alongside the normal EPA governance.   The ITAD ECO Plus initiative provides the following:

  1. IT decommissioning & removal
  2. Call center computer recycling
  3. Permanent PII & data erasure
  4. Purchasing used IT & servers

ITAD for Computer Leasing

Who offers IT removal, recycling & refurbishment for computer leasing businesses?

Most computer leasing businesses will use an IT asset disposition company to recycle or refurbish their returned computers.  In fact, many companies that use leased computer equipment also use an ITAD provider to help them clean, refurbish and report the condition of their leased equipment before returning it.  Most IT asset disposition and computer disposal businesses near you will provide a full range of computer hardware disposal services including hard drive shredding, computer memory wipes and other such data destruction options.

An accredited ITAD provider should be able to offer the following:

  1. Removal of IT hardware
  2. Recycle commercially used IT
  3. Digital data destruction
  4. Purchasing of used servers

ITAD for Facilities Management

Where can commercial real estate management companies recycle IT hardware?

Usually a facilities manager either working for a commercial property or a commercial real estate management company will arrange the disposal of unwanted computer equipment.  This equipment might include items such as abandoned racks of servers, desktop computers, PC workstations and even used business laptops and mobile devices.  Most facilities managers will either call a computer recycler or an IT asset disposition company to help.

Most ITAD and computer recycling companies will offer to:

  1. Buy used rack servers
  2. Purchase used office computers
  3. Buy retired business laptops
  4. Purchase IT & network hardware

Cloud Hardware ITAD Service

Companies that offer the removal, recycling and data destruction for cloud technology?

Most Cloud computing infrastructure such as rack servers, data storage systems and networking hardware is replaced every 3 to 4 years.  Decommissioning and refreshing cloud technology involves a team of experts within the cloud company such as cloud network engineers, cloud architects and cloud administrators.  However, the cloud management team usually recruit the services of an Information Technology Asset Disposition (ITAD) company to help manage the disassembly, packaging, logistics (removal), recycling, data destruction (e.g. drive shredding) and if required refurbishment and resell of used decommissioned cloud hardware.  An ITAD company will provide:

  1. Digital data sanitization
  2. Remove & reconcile IT inventory
  3. Refurbish & resell cloud tech
  4. Recycle obsolete cloud IT

ITAD for Insurance Companies

Where do insurance companies recycle / dispose of their computers, laptops & servers?

Insurance companies should recycle their discarded or decommissioned laptops, workstation computers, computer hardware, rack and tower servers with an accredited IT asset disposition and disposal business. Standard ITAD accreditation should include R2 certification to ensure responsible recycling. Insurance businesses also have a requirement for digital data destruction when they are disposing of their IT infrastructure. This is because most computer hardware used by insurance companies will have been used to record PII, which by law needed to be permanently wiped from all types of computer memory (e.g. HDD, SSD & data tapes).

The ITAD ECO Plus computer decommissioning service provides insurance companies with the most eco-friendly and ethically sustainable methods of computer disposal. Including: IT removal, computer hardware recycling and hard drive digital data destruction.

ITAD for Manufacturing

Where do you dispose of computers and IT hardware used in manufacturing?

If you are an IT manager or executive in a manufacturing company and you are in charge of disposing of computers and IT hardware, you may not be aware of all the options.  Firstly, you can hire an IT asset disposition company to manage the removal, inspection and recycling of your old computers, laptops and servers. Secondly, the IT asset disposition company can also manage the permanent erasure of data from any digital storage device (e.g. computer memory such as a hard drive).  Thirdly, an ITAD company can refurbish your old IT hardware and sell it for you at the highest possible market price.  In summary, an ITAD business will support an OEM by providing the following:

  1. Remove manufacturing IT Equip.
  2. Recycle computers used by OEMs
  3. Permanently delete hard drives
  4. Refurbish & resell used OEM IT

ITAD for Media Agencies

Are there specialized computer recyclers for media companies & agencies?

There are computer recyclers that specialize in managing the disposal of IT used by media companies & agencies.   These recyclers manage the IT disposal needs for news, sports and entertainment television production companies.  They also help dispose of the computer equipment used in conventional media such as publishers and newspapers and digital media such as social media platforms.  The ITAD ECO Plus computer recycling solution provides every type of media with highly sustainable, CO2 reducing, eco-friendly computer recycling and digital data destruction.

Listed below are the most common IT assets recycled for media and social media companies:

  1. Rack & tower server recycling
  2. Laptop & desktop recycling
  3. Android & Apple recycling
  4. Business IT hardware recycling

ITAD for Hospitals & Clinics

Places to recycle computer hardware used in hospitals, clinics & treatment centers?

The best place to recycle hospital and health clinic computer equipment can depend on the type of IT hardware.  Most desktop computers and workstations should be recycled or refurbished and redeployed by an accredited ITAD operator. Whereas, rack servers, tower servers and data storage devices may well require the ITAD operator to provide support with data privacy law compliance before the servers can be recycled or even resold.  This usually requires a facility that is capable of providing hard drive wiping, degaussing and shredding.

The ITAD ECO Plus facility has the following divisions to help hospitals, clinics & medical centers:

  1. Hard drive sanitization facility
  2. Secure computer storage zone
  3. Computer refurbishment team
  4. Certified IT hardware recycling

ITAD for Pharmaceutical Sector

How to dispose of a pharmaceutical company’s used servers, laptops and workstations?

To correctly dispose of servers, laptops and workstations used within a pharmaceutical company you have to firstly determine any legal liabilities.  For example, pharmaceutical IT hardware containing digitally stored sensitive or personally identifiable information (PII) will need to undergo data destruction (permanent data deletion).  In addition, obsolete servers, laptops and computer workstations that hold a low market value or are no longer operating efficiently will need to be recycled in accordance with Federal e-waste regulations.

The ITAD Eco Plus solution has been created to help pharmaceutical companies to:

  1. Safely remove IT hardware
  2. Cleanly recycle computer waste
  3. Securely dispose of hard drives
  4. Sell hi-value retired IT assets

ITAD for Technology Companies

List of IT asset disposition services for software & technology companies?

Most software and technology companies have a high requirement for IT asset disposition and disposal because of their extreme usage of IT hardware.  For example, today most software company use large quantities of servers. This is because most software is downloaded from cloud servers. At some point these servers will need to be decommissioned.  Likewise, most tech companies are data driven businesses that also rely heavily on server storage.  Listed below are the top 5 things a software or technology company looks for in an ITAD partner:

  1. Skilled IT infrastructure decommissioning
  2. Next day IT hardware removal
  3. Eco-friendly server & IT network recycling
  4. Best in class digital data destruction (hard drive disposal)
  5. IT asset refurbishment for reuse or resell options

ITAD for Telecom Companies

How to decommission telecommunication computer networks and server farms?

With today’s telecoms companies progressing towards Carbon Neutrality, Sustainability and Environmentally Sound Practices the demands on capable ITAD companies to support them has never been greater.  The decommissioning of a telecommunications IT networks and hyperscale data centers can easily include the removal of up to 50,000 servers.  There are only a handful of ITAD companies capable of supporting that scale of operation.  The ITAD ECO Plus IT network and server farms decommissioning solution has been created to help Telecom companies replace & retire massive quantities of ‘end of life’ rack servers & IT network hardware.  This Telecoms focused ITAD solution offers:

  1. Large scale cloud and data center IT hardware decommissioning.
  2. Fully audited server, storage and network deinstallation and removal.
  3. Eco-Friendly computer disposal via recycling, parts harvesting & reselling.
  4. Large scale digital data destruction - hard drive wiping & shredding.
  5. Fully accredited IT asset disposition and disposal.

ITAD for Educational Sector

What do ITAD and computer recyclers charge universities, colleges and schools?

A computer recycler will charge a university, college or school to dispose of their IT hardware and computers.  The primary prices are to cover the following:

  1. Cost to remove used computers
  2. Cost to recycle used IT equipment
  3. Cost to wipe or shred hard drives
  4. Cost to refurbish used computers

The logistics costs for recycling academic IT hardware are mainly from hiring removal personnel, trucks, fuel & insurance.  Recycling costs consist of sorting computer equipment, storage (warehousing), de-manufacturing and recycling equipment.  Hard drive data destruction costs arise from staffing, reporting, wiping or shredding memory.  ITAD companies can reduce or cancel out these costs if the decommissioned computers have a good resell value.

ITAD for Government & Military

Who provides computer disposal for governmental agencies and the military?

Local and Federal governmental agencies and the military will usually rely on external, outsourced IT asset disposition and computer disposal companies to manage the decommissioning and disposal of their IT infrastructure as it reaches the end of its life cycle.  For example, the ITAD ECO Plus service has been used by Homeland Security to process their retired servers & IT network hardware.  To win a government or military computer disposal contract an ITAD company has to be trusted, reliable and most importantly capable. The top 5 main public sectors that have the highest computer usage are as follows:

  1. Airforce
  2. Army
  3. Navy
  4. Government
  5. Local municipalities

How much does ITAD cost

What’s the cost of decommissioning business servers, computers & network hardware?

The average yearly cost to operate a large data center ranges from $10 million to $25 million.  Thankfully, to decommission data center hardware is nowhere near as expensive.  Most data center managers, CIO’s and business IT directors plan to upgrade their IT hardware a few years before their retired tech becomes worthless.  This means their decommissioned IT infrastructure still has a resell value.   Reselling these retired IT assets can cancel out the cost of disposal and data destruction.  Achieving a $0 cost for decommissioning business servers, computers & network hardware is the ultimate goal of a good ITAD business.

You can get a general idea of the cost for removal, recycling & data destruction, plus the value of your IT hardware by using the “automated ITAD cost calculator” below:   

ITAD ECOPlus For Data Centers

Our ITAD company removes, recycles or buys servers, network switches, desktops, laptops & much more.

Hard Drive Digital Data Destruction

Data Destruction

Data Wipe
recycle hard drives and computer storage

Hard Drives

decommissioned data center rack servers servers

Rack Servers

tower server decommissioning disposal and recycling service

Tower Servers

IT network hardware disposal

Network Hardware

sell or recycle company laptops

Company Laptops

office desktop disposal

Desktop Computers

office PC workstations recycling company

PC Workstations

Decommission recycle or sell IT hardware from data centers and office computer networks.

IT Hardware

Decommission recycle or sell iPads and Andriod Tablet Computers.

iPad / Tablet PC

Decommission recycle or sell used company smartphones and cellphones.

Company Smartphone

Decommission recycle or sell server racks and server hardware from data centers and office computer networks.

Server Racks

sell used secondhand ram cpus and office computers and data ccenter servers storage and network hardware.

Computer Memory (RAM)

recycle or sell used cpus


sell used graphic cards and GPU servers

Graphics Cards

Decommission recycle or sell IT hardware computer monitors from customer support centers and office IT networks.

Computer Monitors


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Decommission dispose of or sell IT hardware from data centers, call centers and office IT networks.

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recycle or sell office and data center decommissioned computer equipment.

The ITAD ECOPlus Solution


Decommissioning data center hardware and equipment

Computer, Server & IT Network Disassembly & Removal

If required, our ITAD network and computer removal engineers will help with the disassembly of your office computer network or your data center IT equipment. During this process each item of retired IT hardware is recorded in our inventory tracking system before being packed and then transported from your location to our secure ITAD facility.

Decommissioning data center hardware and equipment

Digital Data Destruction
Best-In-Class Data Erasure

We help you to assess the level of data destruction required to protect data stored on magnetic drives (HDD), solid state drives (SSD), tapes, DVDs, CDs, storage arrays, desktops, laptops, computer tablets and other mobile devices. Whether a hard drive is working or not we usually recommend either a memory wipe, disk degauss, drive crush or shred.

Decommissioning data center hardware and equipment

Removal & Recycling Of Office Computers & IT Hardware

If your business has a number of retired computers, laptops, servers, mobile devices (iPads & PC tablets), company smartphones and network hardware that you need collected and recycled our ITAD company can help you. We provide a nationwide IT asset disposition service that can pick up old computer hardware from any office location in the USA.

Decommissioning data center hardware and equipment

Eco-Friendly Certified Computer & IT Hardware Recycling

Eco-friendly computer hardware disposal and recycling provides benefits in both reducing toxic pollution caused by e-waste dumping and in reducing carbon emissions from computer hardware manufacturing. When you choose our ITAD company to manage the decommissioning of your computer and IT equipment you are making a very real difference.

Decommissioning data center hardware and equipment

Certified Data Center IT Asset Disposition Service

Our ITAD company offers a fully certified IT asset disposition service that is geared especially towards helping data centers recover value from retired servers, network hardware, data center equipment and infrastructure. In addition, our ITAD recycling and data destruction solutions are R2 V3, ISO, NAID, HIPPA compliant and fully insured.

Professional project management for decommissioning data center hardware and office computer equipment

Professional Project Management

Our ITAD team of professionals can help with the management of everything from the decommissioning, data destruction and removal phase to the refurbishment, remarketing, reselling or recycling stage. The ITAD ECO Plus solution also ensures all your legal e-waste and data destruction requirements are fully managed and reported.

Who buys decommissioning data center and office computer hardware and IT equipment

IT Asset Valuation, Remarketing, Reselling & Buyouts

Our ITAD team will help you value, remarket and sell your decommissioned IT assets. Alternatively, we can buy your used computer equipment providing it still holds a market value, then sanitize its data, clean, refurbish and reset to factory default settings for resale either in its entirety or as parts (e.g. motherboard, RAM, graphics and network cards).

ITAD reporting

IT Asset Management Reports & Invoicing

Our ITAD service can provide item by item reporting for all your computer and IT hardware that has been resold, redeployed or recycled by us. ITAD reports prove chain of custody, data destruction and confirm receipt, count and the condition of your retired servers, office PCs, IT hardware, network equipment, laptops and all other mobile devices.

The ITAD ECOPlus Solution


Recycles and sell decommissioned server rack - IT disposal services.

Sell Used Server Racks

Our ITAD business buys used servers and disposes / recycles old server racks and rack hardware? Sell & recycle server racks and rack equipment. MORE INFO.

Recycle and sell used rack servers - places that buy rack servers.

Sell Used Rack Servers

Recycle or sell used Dell servers (e.g.: EMC & PowerEdge), HPE servers (e.g.: Proliant & Blade rack servers), IBM, Inspur, Lenovo & Cisco rack servers. MORE INFO.

Sell decommissioned office server removal recycling and IT disposal service.

Sell Used Tower Servers

We are a eco-friendly disposal business that removes and recycles used office servers? Find out how much a used HPE & DELL server is worth? MORE INFO.

decommissioned IT network hardware removal recycling and disposal service

Sell Used Network Equipment

Recycle or sell used routers, network cards, hubs, bridges, switches, modems and network hardware made by Cisco, HPE Aruba, Juniper, etc. MORE INFO.

Sell retired decommissioned used data center storage drives and arrays.

Sells Used Drive Arrays

Recycle or sell for reuse used storage and disk arrays. Our ITAD company ensures all data is permanently wipe and erase forever before selling used data storage systems. MORE INFO.

Recycle or sell used office computers.

Sell Used Desktops

Sell your company CPUs and business desktop computers. Our ITAD service removes, recycles and will buy used business pcs and office computer equipment. MORE INFO.

We provide a place to either recycle or sell used office pcs.

Sell Used Office PCs

Are you wondering who buys, recycles or where to sell old office PC’s? Our ITAD team are experts in valuing and buying old business computers and office networks. MORE INFO.

Our ITAD company will purchase decommissioned office pcs and network equipment.

Sell Used Business Computers

Our ITAD service removes and recycles business PC hardware and office computer networks? We also help decommission and will purchase business computers such as all-in-one pcs. MORE INFO.

Removal recycling and disposal service for company laptops.

Sell Used Company Laptops

Is your organization aiming to sell its retired corporate laptops or do you want their hard drives removed, destroyed and the laptops properly recycled? We recycle and buy laptops. MORE INFO.

Selling used business pc tablets and iPads

Sell Company Computer Pads

Are you searching for a place or someone who can securely dispose of, recycle or even sell retired mobile devices such as company iPads and work tablet computers? MORE INFO.

Recycle or resell used business smartphones and cell phones.

Sell Old Smartphones

Does your business have boxes of used company smartphones / cellphones that you want to sell or recycle? Our ITAD company recycles and buys most business phones? MORE INFO.

Shred and wipe drives near you.

Shred or Wipe Drives

Our ITAD service will wipe, degauss & shred old storage drives. We offer a certified digital destruction service for computer, server and storage array hard drives. MORE INFO.

Remove and buy old office IT network hardware, servers and computer equipment.

Sell Old Office IT Hardware

Are you searching for a reliable computer hardware recycler or ITAD business to remove, recycle or purchase used office computers and IT equipment securely? MORE INFO.

Who buys used and new RAM?

Sell PC & Server RAM

Our ITAD company buys computer RAM. We purchase second-hand, used and new RAM for computers, laptops and servers. Sell your RAM today. MORE INFO.

ITAD disposal service buying used CPUs

Sell Used CPUs

Sell your used CPUs today. Our ITAD company is a purchaser and recycler of professionally used CPUs. We buy and collect most types of CPU’s. MORE INFO.

recycle computer graphic cards

Sell Used GPUs

The ITAD Eco Plus program can help your business to dispose of its IT junk such as graphics cards (GPUs). We uy and recycle GPUs and GPU servers. MORE INFO.

IT Decommissioning Business

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