We are all aware of the environmental problems caused by mining, refining and disposing of the materials used in IT hardware. Although recycling computer ewaste is in its technical infancy, you can still make a colossal difference when you choose to recycle your decommissioned IT assets. Recycling computer equipment reduces the need for mining, refining and disposal. Furthermore, the materials reclaimed from recycling can go back into manufacturing new IT hardware, making the IT industry more sustainable.

recycling decommissioned IT hardware

What IT hardware do you want to recycle?

Our ITAD company provides responsible, legal and ethical recycling for decommissioned IT equipment.

Decommissioned Server Rack Disposal

Recycle Server Racks

Recycling decommissioned IT infrastructure such as server racks and network cabling can be a great way to reclaim both copper, aluminium and other such materials. With that said, unless recycling large numbers of decommissioned server racks the cost of removal and recycling will tend to outweigh any reclamation income. However, the ITAD ECO Plus service has been purposefully designed to help keep the costs of server rack removal and recycling to a minimum.

Recycling Prices computer and IT hardware recycling for businesses
decommissioned rack servers removal recycling and disposal service

Recycle Rack Servers

Most large-scale admin and data centers choose to recycle their decommissioned rack servers. Recycling rack servers whether they be from a data center or office is simply more secure, faster and cleaner. It is possible to reclaim 99% of a server by using good recycling practices and the latest ewaste recycling technology. With such a high level of materials recovery, you really can make a difference in making the IT industry more sustainable.

Recycling Prices computer and IT hardware recycling for businesses
decommissioned office server removal recycling and disposal service

Recycle Tower Servers

Recycling blade servers, rack servers and tower servers all require slightly different procedures. Tower servers are stand-alone chassis computers designed to provide mid-size and enterprise businesses with customizable servers for specific tasks. Due to their heavily customizable configuration they often need to be fully de-manufactured before they can be recycled. Usually, a business looking to recycle tower servers will need to pay for their removal & recycling.

Recycling Prices computer and IT hardware recycling for businesses
decommissioned IT network hardware removal recycling and disposal service

Recycle Network Hardware

The materials reclaimed from recycling a network device are only worth a few dollars, so why recycle? The answer is pretty serious: decommissioned computer network hardware such as routers, network cards, cables, hubs, bridges, network switches and modems are classified as toxic waste due to the hazardous materials and chemicals used within them. The cleanest, safest and legal way to dispose of old computer network equipment is to have it professionally recycled.

Recycling Prices computer and IT hardware recycling for businesses
decommissioned data center storage drive removal recycling and data destruction service

Recycle Data Storage

When decommissioning rack-mounted network storage enclosures most IT managers are faced with the decision of what to do with the old storage drives. Is it best to shred, wipe or resell used data storage systems? Usually, a NAS storage device is either wiped or shredded before being recycled. Recycling data storage systems usually has a small price tag due to the labour and equipment costs. It is possible to destroy over 1000 hard drives an hour but the average rate is usually 200 to 300.

Recycling Prices computer and IT hardware recycling for businesses
decommissioned office computer removal recycling and disposal service

Recycle Desktop Computers

The ITAD ECO Plus desktop computer recycling solution has been created to remove and legally recycle every make and model of professionally used PC. Furthermore, when you use ITAD ECO Plus to recycle your desktop computers you will also be offered a full range of digital data destruction options. It has never been easier to recycle desktop computers, though obviously there are collection & processing costs that arise from disposing of your decommissioned IT hardware.

Recycling Prices computer and IT hardware recycling for businesses
decommissioned office pc removal recycling and disposal service

Recycle Old Office PCs

Replacing large numbers of old office PCs can leave IT managers with mountains of decommissioned work computers taking up valuable space. The ITAD ECO Plus solution provides a fast, eco-friendly method for rapidly removing old office computers and having them recycled to EPA standards. In fact, our ITAD company’s computer disposal solution is R2v3 & ISO certified, offering HIPPA compliant hard drive data destruction and State approved computer recycling.

Recycling Prices computer and IT hardware recycling for businesses
decommissioned removal recycling and disposal of office pcs

Recycle All-In-One PCs

All-in-One office pcs usually come with touchscreen technology; this can make them slightly harder to recycle. Most All-in-One office computers are de-manufactured by hand so the materials can be more precisely separated. This extra attention to recycling office computers means that more of the PC can be reclaimed. However, this results in a slight increase in storage, labor & processing costs. With that said, having decommissioned office computers removed & recycled is still inexpensive.

Recycling Prices computer and IT hardware recycling for businesses
removal recycling and disposal service for workplace computers and company laptops

Recycle Company Laptops

A few decades ago, most IT managers decommission their corporate / company laptop computers a year or so before they became obsolete. This premature laptop disposal strategy was designed to help reduce recycling costs by ensuring the laptops still had a good resell value. However, due to the many modern data protection acts and ewaste recycling laws IT managers tend to edge on the side of caution and simply elect to recycle their used company laptops.

Recycling Prices computer and IT hardware recycling for businesses
decommissioned pc tablets and iPads

Recycle Android Pads & iPads

A computer pads memory is built-in and thusly cannot be removed without destroying the mobile device itself. This means that recycling decommissioned Android Pads & iPads is by-far one of the securest methods of disposal, especially in terms of data protection breaches. When you choose to recycle business Android Pads or company iPads you are ensuring that your organization protects itself legally from PII and sensitive data breach liabilities.

Recycling Prices computer and IT hardware recycling for businesses
recycle or resell used business smartphones

Recycle Company Smartphones

Large scale employers like engineering businesses, medical, pharmaceutical, telecoms, banking, financial & insurance companies can have a need to recycle hundreds and sometimes thousands of old smartphones. Whatever the quantity, your business can quickly, cleanly and securely recycle its used business smartphones using the fully certified and environmentally friendly ITAD ECO Plus smartphone recycling service. Email: for more information.

Recycling Prices computer and IT hardware recycling for businesses
computer hard drive wipe

Recycling Hard Drives

Decommissioning professionally used computers usually comes with a requirement for hard drive wiping or shredding. Before a hard drive can have its memory permanently erased it must first be removed from the chassis of the computer. After all the data, files, folders, etc. have been destroyed what remains of the hard drive needs to be recycled. Recycling is a necessity because if dumped modern hard drives can leach toxic coatings & materials into our water tables.

Recycling Prices computer and IT hardware recycling for businesses
remove and recycle old office IT network hardware

Recycle IT Hardware

The ITAD ECO Plus service has been designed to help a data center or office to safely decommission and remove for recycling all types of IT hardware and all scales of IT infrastructure. Our ITAD company also offers a priority express deinstallation and removal service. The “priority express” service can disassemble the IT hardware at your location, and have it sorted, itemized and removed in hours. Email: for more information.

Recycling Prices computer and IT hardware recycling for businesses
How do I dispose of old RAM?

Recycle Computer RAM

Recycling computer hardware is one of the securest methods of disposal, this is due to all the components (e.g. RAM) being destroyed in the process of materials reclamation. For example, RAM is manually removed from a device (e.g.: server, desktop, laptop) sorted into large containers and then shredded into fine flakes. These flakes are then chemically dissolved and via a process of either electroplating or materials separation, the metals within the RAM are reclaimed (recycled).

Recycling Prices computer and IT hardware recycling for businesses
ITAD disposal service for computer central processing units

Recycling Business CPUs

Computer CPU’s (central processing units) have the largest quantities of precious metals within their construction (followed by RAM & circuit boards (e.g.: motherboards)). That said, in order to make CPU recycling profitable thousands of decommissioned computers are needed. On average the recycling value of a CPU is just above $10. Recovering precious metals from CPUs is extremely important in keeping the IT industry sustainable.

Recycling Prices computer and IT hardware recycling for businesses
recycle computer graphic cards

Recycle Computer GPUs

Usually, the graphics cards found in decommissioned office desktops are manually removed and recycled with circuit boards. However, extremely powerful GPU Optimised Servers are treated very differently. If you are in charge of recycling GPU servers, please email our ITAD support team: or call our head office: 877-592-6009 (EST) for immediate assistance.

Recycling Prices computer and IT hardware recycling for businesses
ITAD service for the recycling of IT equipment

Do you need to recycle of decommissioned IT hardware? ITAD ECO Plus is an environmentally friendly, globally ethical and extremely secure solution for disposing of all decommissioned office, call center & data center information technology hardware.

Contact Our ITAD Company Today:

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Latest Recycling Prices  Recycle used tower, blade or rack servers.

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Frequently Asked Questions



Remove & Recycle Used IT Hardware.

Listed below are some of the most commonly asked search questions with regards to recycling corporate IT hardware and infrastructure. We have tried to answer each question in a brief paragraph. We hope you find these FAQ’s helpful? If you feel our ITAD company might be able to assist your office or data center please contact our ITAD ECO Plus team on: 877-592-6009 (HQ is on EST time) or email: If it’s an automatic online price guide you need then please CLICK HERE (it only takes a few seconds).

decommissioning data centers, admin centers and call centers

Making A Difference

You have the power to make a difference, change the way things are done and create a better future. The ITAD company is on a mission to become the largest, most environmentally ethical computer and IT hardware disposal company in the world! We invite you to help us?

Decommissioning Data Center Hardware

Which companies remove & recycle data center IT hardware & servers?

The best IT recycling businesses specializing in removing and recycling decommissioned data center servers, networking equipment and IT infrastructure are known as ITAD companies. ITAD stands for Infromation Technology Asset Disposition and is a term commonly used to describe an environmentally friendly, ethically responsible and sustainability focussed solution for the secure disposal of retired computer hardware from data centers (server farms) and large offices.

The ITAD ECO Plus nationwide data center recycling service has been purposefully designed to assist data centers in disassembling, removing and recycling decommissioned servers, racks, network hardware and cabling – CLICK HERE FOR A PRICE GUIDE – or call 877-592-6009 or email:

Recycling Office PCs & IT Hardware

What businesses remove and recycle office PCs & IT hardware?

It is the quantity of office computers and the amount of IT hardware that partly defines the type of IT recycler to use. However, if an office’s computers have been working with sensitive data or PII then you will not want to take any risks when recycling. Failure to comply with data protection regulations can be an imprisonable offence. Therefore, using a fully certified ITAD business that specializes in ensuring your office PCs and IT hardware are recycled legally is always the best option.

Our ITAD company provides a nationwide, fully certified office PC recycling service. We have been established for decades, assisting large offices to recycle their retired desktops, laptops, mobile devices and IT hardware: CLICK HERE or email:

Digital Data Destruction

What are the prices for hard drive wiping and hard drive shredding?

Hard drive shredding can be slightly more expensive than wiping, especially onsite shredding. The reason for this is primarily based in the cost of equipment. The cost of good hard drive shredders ranges massively from $15k to $125K and they all require constant maintenance as the shredding gears wear down. A NAID certified hard drive shred might cost as little as $8 per hard drive compared to $3 to $5 for a hard drive wipe.

Our ITAD company provides a nationwide, fully certified IT asset disposition service that includes both hard drive shredding or wiping. Our prices are extremely competitive: CLICK HERE for a quick online estimation.

Recycling IT Hardware

Should my company be paid by a computer recycling business for our IT hardware?

There are a lot of computer recyclers that offer to pay for used business laptops and desktops. They need to make a profit too, and will resell them. However, you can still be legally responsible should data be recoverable or if the equipment is found to have been illegally dumped. That’s why most large-scale IT users like call centers, admin centers and data centers actually pay to ensure their retired computer systems are recycled correctly. The biggest concern is not reselling second hand computers but finding ITAD company capable of processing and disposing of large quantities of computers. Most IT managers need assurance that IT hardware is disposed of legally, cleanly and ethically. Furthermore, IT directors pay ITAD companies to ensure IT hardware is correctly recycled.

For more information email:

Computer Recycling Laws

Am I required by law to recycle professionally used desktop computers, laptops and servers?

A large number of U.S. states (and the District of Columbia) have strict electronics recycling laws for the disposal of desktop computers, laptops, servers and mobile devices. At a Federal level, IT hardware is classified as hazardous waste and the EPA holds very tight regulations for computer waste shipments for treatment, storage, and disposal. There are also very strict data protection laws regarding computer disposal. There is no question that responsibly recycling used office desktop computers, company laptops, data storage systems and servers is the safest disposal option.

Our ITAD company provides a nationwide, fully certified IT hardware recycling service that has been successfully looking after government agencies, our military, fortune 500 businesses and data centers for decades. CLICK HERE or call: 877-592-6009 or email:

Removing & Recycling IT Network Hardware

How long does it take to have data center IT network hardware and servers removed?

Decommissioning and disassembling server room and data center IT assets (GPU servers, blade servers, rack servers, tower servers, network gear, racks, cables etc.) for recycling is a relatively straight forward set of processes. The physical disassembly and removal of retired: servers from racks, network hardware and cabling can be preformed incredibly quickly. In some cases, over 300 servers an hour can be removed for recycling or IT asset disposition.

The ITAD ECO Plus nationwide data center recycling service has been assisting data centers in disassembling, removing and recycling decommissioned servers, racks, network hardware and cabling for decades – FOR A PRICE GUIDE CLICK HERE – or email:

Data Center Decommissioning Companies

What are the top 3 data center decommissioning companies?

1. exIT Technologies are rated as a company that’s successfully in its 3rd decade of decommissioning data centers. 2. TES also offers an end-to-end data center decommissioning service. 3. Sims can also provide data center decommissioning services and ewaste recycling. For more information and price guides please see below:

The ITAD ECO Plus nationwide data center decommissioning service provides an environmentally friendly focused solution specializing in decommissioning hyperscale data centers, edge data centers and colocation data centers. The service supports IT managers that are interested in helping reduce the environmental impact caused by data center hardware and IT disposal. To learn more and for a PRICE GUIDE email:

Prices for Recycling Desktops, Laptops & IT Hardware

How much does it cost to remove and recycle office desktops, laptops & IT hardware?

The costs of removing and recycling office IT hardware can sometimes be offset or subsidized by the ITAD company managing the project. The ITAD ECO Plus solution provides an online removal and recycling calculator that will automatically work out the cost for you. You will need to select the level of service (e.g. hard drive wiping or shredding), the number of items you have (e.g. 120 corporate laptops) and the removal location of these devices. This is by-far the quickest cost estimation for the removal & recycling of retired computers, laptops and IT hardware.

CLICK HERE to try the ITAD ECO Plus online calculator and get an approximate cost for the removal and recycling (including hard drive data destruction) of your IT hardware.

The Cost of Decommissioning A Data Center

How much does it cost to remove and recycle data center servers and network hardware?

It is hard to estimate the exact cost of removing and recycling decommissioned data center servers and network hardware without all the details. However, you can get a rough idea quickly by using an online ITAD estimation calculator. Below is a free data center decommissioning calculator that works out some of the basic costs (e.g. logistics, data destruction, recycling, etc.). Please remember, these are just rough estimations, the actual end quote might be considerably cheaper. If you would prefer, we contact you to discuss decommissioning a data center please email

For an automatic recycling quote – CLICK HERE


Our ITAD company removes, recycles or buys servers, network switches, desktops, laptops & much more.

Hard Drive Digital Data Destruction

Data Destruction

Data Wipe
recycle hard drives and computer storage

Hard Drives

decommissioned data center rack servers servers

Rack Servers

tower server decommissioning disposal and recycling service

Tower Servers

IT network hardware disposal

Network Hardware

sell or recycle company laptops

Company Laptops

office desktop disposal

Desktop Computers

office PC workstations recycling company

PC Workstations

How to decommission business and data center IT hardware.

IT Hardware

ITAD disposal for business iPads and Computer Tabs.

iPad / Tablet PC

Cell and smartphone disposal service - recycle business Andriod and Apple smartphones today.

Company Smartphone

ITAD businesses and computer recycling companies buying or recycling decommissioned server racks and data center equipment.

Server Racks

Buy, sell or recycle used secondhand RAM

Computer Memory (RAM)

ITAD businesses and computer recyclers buying or recycling CPUs


Graphics card disposal - recycling and selling used GPUs

Graphics Cards

recycling Computer Monitors

Computer Monitors


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recycle or sell office and data center decommissioned computer equipment.

The ITAD ECOPlus Solution


Decommissioning data center hardware and equipment

Computer, Server & IT Network Disassembly & Removal

If required, our ITAD network and computer removal engineers will help with the disassembly of your office computer network or your data center IT equipment. During this process each item of retired IT hardware is recorded in our inventory tracking system before being packed and then transported from your location to our secure ITAD facility.

Decommissioning data center hardware and equipment

Digital Data Destruction
Best-In-Class Data Erasure

We help you to assess the level of data destruction required to protect data stored on magnetic drives (HDD), solid state drives (SSD), tapes, DVDs, CDs, storage arrays, desktops, laptops, computer tablets and other mobile devices. Whether a hard drive is working or not we usually recommend either a memory wipe, disk degauss, drive crush or shred.

Decommissioning data center hardware and equipment

Removal & Recycling Of Office Computers & IT Hardware

If your business has a number of retired computers, laptops, servers, mobile devices (iPads & PC tablets), company smartphones and network hardware that you need collected and recycled our ITAD company can help you. We provide a nationwide IT asset disposition service that can pick up old computer hardware from any office location in the USA.

Decommissioning data center hardware and equipment

Eco-Friendly Certified Computer & IT Hardware Recycling

Eco-friendly computer hardware disposal and recycling provides benefits in both reducing toxic pollution caused by e-waste dumping and in reducing carbon emissions from computer hardware manufacturing. When you choose our ITAD company to manage the decommissioning of your computer and IT equipment you are making a very real difference.

Decommissioning data center hardware and equipment

Certified Data Center IT Asset Disposition Service

Our ITAD company offers a fully certified IT asset disposition service that is geared especially towards helping data centers recover value from retired servers, network hardware, data center equipment and infrastructure. In addition, our ITAD recycling and data destruction solutions are R2 V3, ISO, NAID, HIPPA compliant and fully insured.

Professional project management for decommissioning data center hardware and office computer equipment

Professional Project Management

Our ITAD team of professionals can help with the management of everything from the decommissioning, data destruction and removal phase to the refurbishment, remarketing, reselling or recycling stage. The ITAD ECO Plus solution also ensures all your legal e-waste and data destruction requirements are fully managed and reported.

Who buys decommissioning data center and office computer hardware and IT equipment

IT Asset Valuation, Remarketing, Reselling & Buyouts

Our ITAD team will help you value, remarket and sell your decommissioned IT assets. Alternatively, we can buy your used computer equipment providing it still holds a market value, then sanitize its data, clean, refurbish and reset to factory default settings for resale either in its entirety or as parts (e.g. motherboard, RAM, graphics and network cards).

ITAD reporting

IT Asset Management Reports & Invoicing

Our ITAD service can provide item by item reporting for all your computer and IT hardware that has been resold, redeployed or recycled by us. ITAD reports prove chain of custody, data destruction and confirm receipt, count and the condition of your retired servers, office PCs, IT hardware, network equipment, laptops and all other mobile devices.

Our Clients Include:

For Sales Call 877-592-6009 or Email

The ITAD ECOPlus Solution


Recycles and sell decommissioned server rack - IT disposal services.

Sell Used Server Racks

Our ITAD business buys used servers and disposes / recycles old server racks and rack hardware? Sell & recycle server racks and rack equipment. MORE INFO.

Recycle and sell used rack servers - places that buy rack servers.

Sell Used Rack Servers

Recycle or sell used Dell servers (e.g.: EMC & PowerEdge), HPE servers (e.g.: Proliant & Blade rack servers), IBM, Inspur, Lenovo & Cisco rack servers. MORE INFO.

Sell decommissioned office server removal recycling and IT disposal service.

Sell Used Tower Servers

We are a eco-friendly disposal business that removes and recycles used office servers? Find out how much a used HPE & DELL server is worth? MORE INFO.

decommissioned IT network hardware removal recycling and disposal service

Sell Used Network Equipment

Recycle or sell used routers, network cards, hubs, bridges, switches, modems and network hardware made by Cisco, HPE Aruba, Juniper, etc. MORE INFO.

Sell retired decommissioned used data center storage drives and arrays.

Sells Used Drive Arrays

Recycle or sell for reuse used storage and disk arrays. Our ITAD company ensures all data is permanently wipe and erase forever before selling used data storage systems. MORE INFO.

Recycle or sell used office computers.

Sell Used Desktops

Sell your company CPUs and business desktop computers. Our ITAD service removes, recycles and will buy used business pcs and office computer equipment. MORE INFO.

We provide a place to either recycle or sell used office pcs.

Sell Used Office PCs

Are you wondering who buys, recycles or where to sell old office PC’s? Our ITAD team are experts in valuing and buying old business computers and office networks. MORE INFO.

Our ITAD company will purchase decommissioned office pcs and network equipment.

Sell Used Business Computers

Our ITAD service removes and recycles business PC hardware and office computer networks? We also help decommission and will purchase business computers such as all-in-one pcs. MORE INFO.

Removal recycling and disposal service for company laptops.

Sell Used Company Laptops

Is your organization aiming to sell its retired corporate laptops or do you want their hard drives removed, destroyed and the laptops properly recycled? We recycle and buy laptops. MORE INFO.

Selling used business pc tablets and iPads

Sell Company Computer Pads

Are you searching for a place or someone who can securely dispose of, recycle or even sell retired mobile devices such as company iPads and work tablet computers? MORE INFO.

Recycle or resell used business smartphones and cell phones.

Sell Old Smartphones

Does your business have boxes of used company smartphones / cellphones that you want to sell or recycle? Our ITAD company recycles and buys most business phones? MORE INFO.

Shred and wipe drives near you.

Shred or Wipe Drives

Our ITAD service will wipe, degauss & shred old storage drives. We offer a certified digital destruction service for computer, server and storage array hard drives. MORE INFO.

Remove and buy old office IT network hardware, servers and computer equipment.

Sell Old Office IT Hardware

Are you searching for a reliable computer hardware recycler or ITAD business to remove, recycle or purchase used office computers and IT equipment securely? MORE INFO.

Who buys used and new RAM?

Sell PC & Server RAM

Our ITAD company buys computer RAM. We purchase second-hand, used and new RAM for computers, laptops and servers. Sell your RAM today. MORE INFO.

ITAD disposal service buying used CPUs

Sell Used CPUs

Sell your used CPUs today. Our ITAD company is a purchaser and recycler of professionally used CPUs. We buy and collect most types of CPU’s. MORE INFO.

recycle computer graphic cards

Sell Used GPUs

The ITAD Eco Plus program can help your business to dispose of its IT junk such as graphics cards (GPUs). We uy and recycle GPUs and GPU servers. MORE INFO.

IT Decommissioning Business

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